Swing State Project’s Public Google Calendar

In addition to our sortable table-based calendar, we’ve now created a public Google calendar of key dates for the 2008 election – filing deadlines, primaries, run-offs, special elections, reporting deadlines, and the like. We’re parking it permanently at this URL. It’ll also be available in the “Resources” section of the right-hand sidebar.

If you use Google Calendar and want to automatically add these listings directly to your personal calendar, click here. (If that link doesn’t work, let us know.)

Here’s what our Google calendar looks like:

The interface is very intuitive. The only tip I’ll offer is that if you just want to see a straight list of upcoming events, click on the “Agenda” tab in the top right corner. If you see any mistakes, or if anything’s missing, please let us know in comments. All feedback is welcome.

5 thoughts on “Swing State Project’s Public Google Calendar”

  1. Maybe this is over kill but some states have narrow windows for filing whereas other states are open for months.  Michigan has a May 13 deadline but is open.  Georgia and Florida each have a filing week that opens on April 28.

    Politics1 has links to the state Secretary of State and/or elections sites.  These contain the local rules and deadlines.  Some states require that candidates file with state parties, other require filing with the state, and some have filing at the county level for at least some of the federal offices.  Interesting, to me, but some states have electronic filing and others are still stuck on paper.

    For the last six months I’ve been keeping up with the filings through the Politics1 links and my own master Excell spreadsheeet. I look at filings due within the next month (although many are not yet active).  That’s meant a sheet with the columns filed D, filed R, Benawu’s columns for the Ds and running totals at the bottom.

  2. anyone want to say what they think the most important date of the swing state calendar is (before Nov 4 of course)?

    i’m thinkin june 3rd (wide open NMSenate-R , NM1-D, NM2, NM3 D, NJSenate-D, NJ7-R, CA4-R, end of Pres Primary).  may 20 is big because of ORSenate-D and OR5 and aug 26th because of ak-al R.

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